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Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

We offer counselling, rehabilitation and treatment for mental health and substance abuse rehabilitators. We support customers in strengthening and finding their own mental resources and coping skills that promote recovery.

A man is sitting in front of a window and playing a guitar.

Human dignity, justice and communality

In the center of our services is meeting customers using substances and finding their own strengths and mental resources. Our goal is to enable our clients to experience success, and this does not necessarily require them to be substance-free. Our approach is to build communities that support our customers’ inclusion and ability to take responsibility for their own lives.

Our services are specifically aimed at those whose right to a decent life is most at risk. Our work is based on dignity, justice and communality.

We always tailor our addiction disorder services according to the customer’s individual needs. Our services are based on the national Current Care Guidelines and are provided by a doctor and other specialists.

We use multidisciplinary assessment methods in order to gain information about our customers’ functional capacity, psychological well-being, current substance use and usage history, among other things. We utilize the examinations and assessments made by our doctors and specialists in planning further treatment and rehabilitation for the customer.  We also collaborate with experts by experience and peer support persons when providing our services.

The goal of mental health and substance abuse services is to support the customer in finding strength in themselves to cope with their chronic illness and symptoms in the best possible way. We combine individual and communal work methods, offering our customers the opportunity to participate in communal activities according to their resources of strength.

This is what we offer

  • Opioid substitution treatment
  • Substance abuse outpatient treatment
  • Assessment of the need for treatment
  • Health and social counselling
  • Neighbourhood work