Employee benefits
For us it is important that our employees feel well and that everyone feels safe at work. That is why we invest in well-being at work in many different ways. We invest in developing staff skills and leadership, well-being at work, mental well-being and promoting equality.

Support and benefits for employee well-being:
- Sports and culture benefit
- Employer-provided bicycle
- Employer support for joint sports events
- Leisure-time accident insurance
- Support for managing your finances
- Inhouse well-being mentors
- ”Sielun Sparri” confidential conversations
- Welcoming orientation
- Versatile training opportunities
- Rewards system, for example instant rewards, top performance bonuses, recognition on birthdays and for long service
- Regular goal setting and well-being discussions as well as support from manager
- Managerial work compliant with the leadership promise and support from work community
- Staff holiday cottage (in Lakisto, Espoo)
- Offers from partners
- Playing right at Suur-Helsingin Golf
Support for team well-being
- Work guidance
- Regular wellness surveys
- Occupational healthcare services and specialists
- Inhouse defusing counsellors and crisis support from occupational healthcare
- Recreational days
- Managerial work compliant with the leadership promise and support from work community
- Occupational health and safety co-operation
- Regular training related to work ability and well-being
Our comprehensive occupational healthcare services include low-threshold services that support mental well-being:
- Mielen Chat and Mielen Sparring
Mentally healthy workplace -badge
We have been granted the “Hyvän mielen työpaikka” badge (= Mentally healthy workplace badge), which is a recognition for work communities striving for better working life. The recognition is granted by MIELI Mental Health Finland.
In our work community we support each other and value everyone’s skills. It’s nice to come to work knowing that everyone does their job well. At our workplace it is easy to breath.
A sample from our wellness survey answers
The employer-provided bicycle is a great employee benefit. I cycle a lot more nowadays and stay active. I can also cycle to work thanks to the new electric bicycle.